Plan your visit

Access Guide

The below guide shows what to expect when you visit us at the Hub whether you are a trainee, visitor or customer.


Our Covid-19 Safety Guidelines

We follow the latest guidelines for day care and education settings as we take the safety of our trainees, customers, and staff very seriously.

We ask that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 stay at home for a minimum of 5 days or until they test negative on a lateral flow test.

Trainees and visitors who come through our reception will be asked to sanitise their hands and our receptionist will take their temperature.  We no longer wear masks, but should trainees want to wear a mask, they can.  Anyone with a temperature above 37.8 will be asked to go home and if possible, take a lateral flow test. Should a trainee feel ill during the day we will take their temperature and contact their parent/carer. Should a trainee come down with Covid-19 we would ask them to let our reception know as soon as possible so we can contact trace within our service.

For customers in the Café and Scrapstore, we provide hand sanitiser at various places through the Café and have signs reminding everyone of best practice. We would ask that if you display symptoms, you stay at home until you feel better.

Car parking & arrival

We have on site parking, but should the car park be full there is street parking on the industrial estate.

There is one disabled parking bay near the entrance to the Café.

We have a 5 mph speed limit in the car park for the safety of the customers in the Café and our trainees.


Cafe entrance & main reception

We have two entrances.  For our trainees they are asked to come to the Main Reception door to the left of the building (as you look at it).  Customers for the Café / Scrapstore and people bringing donations to the Scrapstore have a separate signposted entrance to the right of the building.


Cafe & Scrapstore

Our Cafe & Scrapstore are open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm except Bank Holidays and we normally close for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year.  Please follow us on facebook or Instagram for the latest up to date information on this.


Public toilets & facilities

We have two disabled unisex toilets for our customers to use, complete with baby changing facilities.  These toilets are checked regularly by the Café staff but should you notice a problem then please let a member of staff know and they will be happy to resolve it.


Still unsure or have specific questions?

We are here to help or answer any questions you have, please call us on 01935 429277 or email